You can contact us at 021 431 8890 between 9 am - 1pm and 2pm - 5.30 pm Monday through Friday. You can also contact us through our email or Fax 021 432 8886 outside of working hours.
2 : Stuck on something?
Call 021 431 8890 to be immediately connected with a person who can help. Or click on Register and fill out the form and you will be given access within a few minutes. On completing the form your user name and password will be confirmed back to you.
3 : How do I start my first order on
We recommend beginning with our register. This allows you to set up all your account information before you start shopping. You can also fill out this information at checkout if you prefer.
4 : What is the best way to find the items I need?
There are three ways to find your products.
a. If you are shopping out of one of our hardcopy catalogues you can enter code and number of item on the right hand column Quick order on our home page. This is the only way to order using the Codes.
b. Browse through over 35,000 products in our online catalogue. Simply select the top category and drill down through four levels of sub-category's, If you have selected the wrong sub-category simply go back by picking the category above that from the location list at the top of the content page. Simply add your items to your shopping cart as you go.
c. All of the items in our product directory can be found through the Search on the top right hand. You can search by code number, word, term to find your item.
5: I already have a Officevalue account can I use it on your new website?
a. Yes! You simply need to register as a new user and you can start shopping in around 60 seconds to complete.
b. If you would rather we are happy to put your details on for you just email us or phone 021 431 8890.
6 : When will my order be delivered?
All orders placed with Officevalue by 3:30 PM should be delivered the next business day. Some exclusions apply as we do not hold all 35,000 products in stock and some items need to come from fareaway locations. Orders placed on Friday will be processed for Monday delivery. Call us on 021 431 8890 or email to make sure we will have it for you if it is very urgent?
7 : Do you have a minimum order?
8 : Are there delivery charges?
Delivery charge of 7.80 euro + VAT applies to all orders below 75 euro excl. VAT
9: What is your return policy?
Unless otherwise noted, you will have 30 days after receipt of product for full credit, refund or replacement. Call us on 021 431 8890 or email for information.
10: Do I have to pay with a credit card at
a. No. Business credit accounts do not need to pay with a credit card, simply enter your account number at checkout to be billed. To request a business credit account use the registration form.
b. Personal accounts do require a credit card when checking out.
11 : Does the online catalogue have the same selection as your hardcopy catalogue?
The Officevalue online catalogue contains over 35,000 items in an easy to search or browse format. The hardcopy catalogue has only around 12,000 depending on which issue you have.
Items in our sale catalogues and flyers are only available for a set period of time where as our on line catalogue is more up to date.
12 : How do I sign up to receive a Officevalue catalogue?
You can request current copies of our catalogue through email or by calling 021 431 8890.
13 : How do I exempt my account from sales tax?
To establish your company account as VAT exempt, please fax a copy of your VAT Exempt Cert to 021 431 8886.
14 : Does Officevalue collect VAT?
Officevalue collects sales VAT for orders delivered within the Republic of Ireland.
15: Does the Officevalue site show VAT?
Officevalue default is not to showing VAT as most of our clients are VAT Registered. If you are not VAT Registered then press the show VAT button on the left of the home page and VAT will be added and displayed.
16: Can I place my order by phone or fax?
Yes! Call 021 431 8890 to place an order with a Customer Care Specialist or fax your order to 021 432 8886.
17 : When will I be invoiced?
If you would like to set up a credit account we can either invoice against each order or consolidate the invoicing to be weekly or monthly.
18 : Can more than one user from my company order online?
Yes, we can set up multiple users on one account. If you would like budget restrictions for certain user.
19 : Will I be able to see my personalised pricing?
Yes, where pricing has been agreed this is the value you will see on your order.